Waitlist for 2024/2025 open
"I don't want to show, I just want a pet" This is a common and very valid comment from our clients. We do occasionally have cats who have faults that DQ them from showing. More often than not, our "pet" quality cats could show and some can and do hold their own. But why should that matter for someone who isn't interested in showing?
It takes a lot of work for both humans and the cats to show. Grooming and bathing is a stressful event for cats who are not use to it, or cats who just do not have a good temperament. Traveling, car rides, strange people, hotel room stays, are more events and things that are unusual for a cat. Its no question that cats who show must have good, stable temperaments and reasonable immune systems to be able to deal with all these new people, places and things.
While at the cat show, they must be handled in a busy, loud show hall by strangers. The judges must be able to look over the cat with their hands without the cat trying to bite, scratch or escape. There may be crowds watching, children acting excited, strange smells from other cats, and other things the cat must ignore. We ask an incredible amount of emotional regulation from our show cats. They must be calm, adaptable and agreeable. Myself and other breeders do not wish to stress or force a cat to do this, so we try to breed cats who will have a suitable temperament for showing.
Queens who are adaptable, smart, and calm make wise and stable mothers. They keep calm during gestation, make less mistakes, and just do overall better. Nothing is more valuable than a wise queen who has many other wise Queens behind her pedigree. Kittens from these Queens typically make the best pets because they are smart, calm and well socialized, and still have a good sense of self preservation. They get along better with other pets when they are adults because they learned from their mother, and they likely received less stress signals from her when they were in the womb.
Showing cats gives us a common meeting place to build relationships with other breeders. We get to talk with them one on one, and learn what motivates them, what they value, and what they want. It gives us a way to see and feel their cats, to get to know their "type" and personality.
Cat shows attract people of all different backgrounds, countries, professions, etc. The wealth of knowledge I have obtained from just talking to some of these people is unmatched. It gives me an opportunity to network with people internationally and locally. It makes me a better breeder just by exposing me to people who are different, people who have lifetime of experiences, as well as clients and cat show spectators who will help me understand what kind of pet they are looking for.
I am still very much a "baby breeder" even after 5 years of breeding and 7 years of showing. The more I learn, the more I realize that I don't know as much as i thought. I have had amazing mentors and I have mentored a breeder myself that continuously exceeds my expectations. I would have never met her, or agreed to help her, without cat shows.
Not everyone will understand, or agree, but raising purebred cats is an art. They are living art, they are little spirits that should be respected and cherished. I do not make cats for other people, I make them for me. It is important to me that any cat I bring into this world has a purpose, and was set up the best way I can to have a peaceful life as a pet. I cannot keep every single kitten I produce, that would be unethical and unrealistic. Some kittens will go to trusted breeders but for the most part, they will be much loved pets for someone.
When you buy a Trailhawk kitten you are getting years of my blood, sweat and tears. You are getting all my knowledge, all my time, and a sizable monetary investment I put in keeping the kitten happy and healthy for 120 days of it's very delicate life. You are getting a genetic legacy that was painstakingly curated by many people before me. My cats can trace their family tree all the way back to the first Thai imports to England as early as 1895 such as "Wankee" and The american cats such as Tiam O Shian and King Kesho. Most of our Balinese go back to Rai-Mar Sputnik of Holland's Farm. We pride ourselves in producing refined Balinese from lines influenced by Rangkesari, Gaynells and Balik. More recently influenced by Balimoor, Balinan, Balihoo, Loblolly, with the most input from Nudawnz beautiful Red point Javanese "Bomber" and Synergy/Leafdance's exceptional Oriental females. Finding and using these lines would not be possible if it was not for cat shows.
I believe the future of the pet cat is with purposely bred cats. Just as we have done with dogs, we are breeding cats who are better able to be agreeable in indoor settings with multiple pets. We are making a pet cat that is more biddable, better with communicating to humans, and is overall becoming a valued member of the family.
I often hear people who do not appreciate a purebred cat criticize me for producing them. They call me greedy, cruel, and all manner of things. Allowing cats to mate who have no purpose or worse, are poor examples of what a pet should be, is cruel. Letting your pets outside to free roam and create stray and feral cats is cruel. I combat that by supporting TNR and I have successfully rescued, neutered and placed over 150 stray/homeless cats into loving homes before I even got my first showcat.
At first glance, you may think the price of a kitten is a good chunk of change. It is definitely an investment that we want clients to consider carefully. For aprox. 67 days, I feed a pregnant girl real meat, whole prey, wet food, dry food, and anything else she might want. After that, a month of her eating even more food as she nurses her kittens. three months following that, 3-6 bottomless pits will consume more food than you ever thought was possible. The cost of the human grade meat we get to grind our own raw, plus the upkeep of the parts has gone up since 2020. The cost of routine vet care has doubled and tripled. Vaccines are cold shipped overnight, not to mention the medical supplies we must keep on hand for upkeep and after hours care. Grooming supplies, vet grade disinfectant, parasite control, blankets, bedding, show supplies, toys, and countless other stock items i have to keep on hand for the welbeing of the kittens. Not to mention DNA testing, PVR testing, HCM scans, Neuter/Spay at top dollar because lower cost clinics often refuse to help us "greeders" sterilize our kittens before placement...Website costs, advertising costs...am I missing anything? Ah yes, cat show fees, club dues, litter registration fees, travel fees, hotel fees.
Sure, I could cut corners, but that is not how I run my cattery. The girls come first, (and boys) and it takes a lot to house and care for intact females and her kittens. Don't even get me started on E-Vet bills! As a breeder, I am expected to take care of these expenses no matter what, even if I do not have any kittens.
I work a job just like anyone else, I do not "live" off my cats.If i didn't work, I would not be able to afford to be a breeder. We only have a few kittens to place in a year, and trust me, that fee is likely going to be spent as soon as I get it on Care Credit payments and restocking my medical kit. I really wish I was as greedy as they say, I could really use a new car.